Spain is Europe's most diverse & exotic country as medieval & modern mix with fine food and fiestas. On our 10th anniversary year, let the USA's Spain Gurus craft an unforgettable cultural adventure... just for you! 3 Ways to enjoy authentic Spain & Portugal in 2008 with family, friends or club... hosted by our savvy, fun guides: Based in Spain, is a small boutique travel & tour compan. WE help You Experience More Spain in deluxe your pace! Experience & Learn about Old World Spain that You won't find alone. Since 1998 thousands of friends and family members have enjoyed luxury hotels, historic inns, fine wine & food while learning about castles, culture, cooking, art, wine-making, music and the exotic history of the Moors, Jews and Romans on MagicalSpain custom trip & small group tours. Below you can now peruse photos of past customer's experiences.... FREE Spain Deluxe Travel Tips! Member of the American ...